Sunday, February 17, 2013

Drawing and Painting 10: Projects

This blog lists sample assignments and is not currently up to date or being used.

Project # 1  
Graphic Design - Create a portfolio cover using Op art techniques. Below your name are 3 or 4 hand silouettes. These hands are coloured in with pattern using the three complimentary colour sets.

Homework assignment # 1
Using the element of art called 'value' recreate the well know Led Zeppelin cover "Stairway to Heaven'. Use a B pencil to capture the tonal variations and to create contrast.

Project # 2 - Drawing day # 1 - studying continous line and contour line when looking at shells. Drawn with ink line.

Homework assignment # 2
We will study graphic design as it relates to logos. For homework you will design a logo for Pink Day.

Project # 3 
On the piece of canvas that will be the cover of your sketchbook create a painting in a  monochromatic or an analogous colour scheme using acrylics. Your imagery is trees and the use of atmospheric perspective. The foreground trees will be crisper and darker and the middleground and background trees will be lighter and less defined. 

Project # 4
The night scene 
Use oil pastels on dark paper and create a night scene that features owls. Refer to an actual photograph of an owl but create lots of feathery textures when you use your pastels.